Asanka Herath

Pillars And Governance Structures

#Culture #Career #Organizations

A Good API: g9

Adding more knobs doesn’t make your API more powerful.


The Point of a Strategy

The only useful strategy is one that reduces risks.

#Career #Engineering

Just Enough Technical Debt

Zero technical debt isn’t always the answer.


Code As UI: The UX of config-as-code and everything-as-code

Configuration-as-code has the same usability issues as everything else as code along with the same benefits.


Promise Fatigue

Setting low but realistic expectations is better than setting high but unrealistic ones.

#Culture #Career

The Loss of a Virtuous Culture

Luck isn’t enough. You need a culture of virtue.

#Culture #Engineering

The Lettergrade Rule

Don’t block a code review because of minor issues that are best left to the discretion of the author.


All natural numbers are interesting

A proof.

#math #curiosity

Use Git hooks to automatically push after every commit

During before and after various Git operations, Git invokes special hooks that can be used execute custom scripts. This article explains how to use them to automatically push to an upstream repository every time you make a commit to a local repo.
