Tag Organizations

Proof of Work

Working with a poorly thought-out, or overengineered technology stack, or an overly bureaucratic organization is also a form of proof-of-work.

#Engineering #Career #Organizations

How to Solve a Problem in Three Steps

If you don’t know what a refridgerator is nor what an elephant is you are likely to think that opening the door, putting the elephant in, and closing the door is a viable strategy for putting an elephant in the refridgerator.

#Organizations #Career

Asian Is Not a Useful Category

Asking if someone is “Asian” in a question of ethnicity or demographics or pretty much any context is bad. There is no reasonable conclusion you can arrive at about a person based on the fact that they are “Asian”.

#Culture #Organizations #Inclusion and Equity

Thirteen Years

Some reflections from thirteen years at Google.

#Career #Culture #Organizations

Pillars And Governance Structures

#Culture #Career #Organizations