Posts tagged #Tools
Use Git hooks to automatically push after every commit
During before and after various Git operations, Git invokes special hooks that can be used execute custom scripts. This article explains how to use them to automatically push to an upstream repository every time you make a commit to a local repo.
Markdown should be readble without knowing Markdown
Markdown documents should be readble without understanding complex mark-up. A growing number of Markdown syntax extensions take the form of HTML or HTML-like tags and boilerplate that hinder readability. Instead we should focus on how some construct should be presented in plain-text for human consumption and then add minimal structure to it for machine consumption.
Quickly grab a snapshot of your reMarkable tablet
How to bind a hotkey to grab a snapshot of your reMarkable display and copy it to the clipboard on a Mac.
Vim: Use Drop Not Edit, SBuffer Not Buffer
Use the :drop
command instead of :edit
in Vim. It will reuse an existing
window instead of creating a new one.
Easier CLI for ad-hoc Ansible tasks and playbooks
Encode the host and group names into the name of a wrapper script for quick ad-hoc invocation of Ansible tasks and playbooks.